Senior Care

Brief Information to Consider for Your Senior Pet:

Age: At what age is your pet considered a senior? The link below is a helpful navigator on checking what age your pet really is.

Diet: One of the biggest things that are overlooked is what you are feeding your pet. A kidney or liver diet should be taken into consideration. As pet’s get older, they can develop kidney or liver disease. There are prescription diets available that will accommodate to what your pet needs.

Arthritis: It’s important to pay attention to your pet’s behavior for signs of arthritis. Stiffness during walking or getting up. Reluctant to move, avoiding steps/stairs.

Exercise: Short walks would help maintain your pet’s weight as well as help keep their joints moving. If you are going to start a routine with your pet, it’s always good to start off easy and a short distance, then gradually increase.

Oral Hygiene: It may seem like the last thing you should worry about is taking care of your pet’s teeth considering their age. However, keeping up with your pet’s oral hygiene can help prevent bacteria from entering their bloodstream, which later begins to damage their internal organs. Specifically their heart, kidneys, and liver. Brushing their teeth 2-4 times a week can really make a difference.